Friday, 14 November 2008

Do people at work really like each other?

When they leave you can tell.
Tears are a good sign you were popular.
Good gifts - ditto
The number of people who come out on your leaving do - that's a good sign to - but you have to really understand those that have no real life will turn up even if they feel ambivalent to you - and some will come because they like other people who are going rather than you.
Why is all this?
It's because we aren't real at work
Why don't we really give of ourselves to colleagues.
Can colleagues be great friends or do we simply not trust them enough?
We show friends weaknesses and this isn't something we often do to colleagues
Fair enough - we have mortgages to pay BUT
Lets try keeping it real
I can sense a movement coming on - no not that kind of movement - one where I can encourage participation, openness, great friendship
I just need to talk to Claire about the protocol for disciplining all my new friends if they don't perform

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