Tuesday 13 January 2009

Naturally round - not torpedo's

Just has a very interesting discussion about breast type perferences.
Perhaps inappropriate (that word keeps popping up doesn't it) for the office but it was with a woman so I figure that puts the whole thing on a proper footing and drags it away from the perv zone.
False defnitely not
Age and acceptable directly linked

Friday 9 January 2009

Wandering hand in hand down the road of stupidness

I love this phrase.
I made myself laugh - again. (Is it wrong to find yourself one of the funniest people you know?)
It came in the head and out the mouth as usual
Probably best for the inspirers to remain anonymous :)

Thursday 8 January 2009

Up and at 'em

Feeling energised.
It's got to be the gym, which I have now had two sessions at and despite thighs that ache like a bastard - I'm buzzing
Also its the planning - I like looking at what's going to happen this year and what control I have over it.......... mmwwaaaah
Plus New Year always feels like half of the bad weather time is behind us - the shortest day has come and gone so the nights are getting lighter (marginally)
Loving the big freeze too
Now if only I was getting more sex life would be perfect